1. Do not walk barefoot. Your feet can suffer cuts and puncture wounds that can become infected.
2. Apply sunscreen to your feet to protect against sunburn and skin cancer.
3. Wear socks. Bare feet inside of shoes can lead to athlete’s foot and other fungal infections, blisters and calluses. Change socks throughout the day when necessary to keep your feet dry.
4. Do not pop blisters. Blisters are a natural barrier to infection.
5. Don’t fall for fashion trends. When buying sandals, make sure they provide arch support and heel cushioning.
6. Wear larger shoes to accommodate swollen feet, especially if you work outside in the summer heat.
7. Clean and disinfect spider and ant bites to avoid infection.
8. Stay hydrated to avoid leg cramps and muscle spasms.
9. Warm up and stretch before exercising and cool down and stretch afterward. This will help prevent injuries to the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia.
10. If your feet hurt, come see me. Foot and ankle pain should not be ignored. If pain persists after three days of rest, schedule an appointment with my office.