Many people suffer from heel pain but few know how to treat it. It could mean a million things or it could be nothing, but heel pain is your foot’s way of telling you something is not right. Foot and ankle surgeons categorize heel pain into four categories: plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, bursitis and nerve pain. The diagnosis depends on the exact location of the pain and how it affects the leg’s mechanical movement.
Plantar fasciitis:
The most common cause of heel pain is inflammation of the plantar fascia or band of tissue extending from the heel to the toes. The fascia becomes inflamed which causes pain in the heel or arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis can be first treated non-surgically with stretching exercises, rest shoe pads, orthotics, footwear modifications, night splints and injection therapy. Most cases respond well to nonsurgical treatments but some do worsen and require surgery to correct it.
Achilles tendonitis:
The inflammation of the Achilles tendon is an overuse condition seen often in athletes playing high-impact sports such as basketball or tennis. These sports often have a sudden increase in repetitive motion using the Achilles tendon, which puts too much stress too quickly on the tendon, which can lead to microinjuries to the tendon. Treatment includes immobilizing the foot with a walking boot or cast and physical therapy. Orthotics and ice are also used to manage pain. If it is a severe case and nonsurgical methods are not effective, surgery may be necessary to repair it fully.
Another common cause of heel pain when the fat pad of the heel is swollen and red from inflammation of a small fluid-filled sac inside the heel known as the bursa. The bursa protects the heel from friction and can become inflamed from repetitive motion or irritation from shoes. With bursitis, the toes and heel are most often affected. Treatment includes resting the foot, ice, anti-inflammatories, padding and steroid injections to ease inflammation and pain. If more conservative treatment is not effective, surgery may be needed.
Whatever your heel pain may be, make an appointment with my office for proper diagnosis and to begin treatment as soon as possible.
Regenerative Medicine is using medical procedures that promote self-healing. Swift treatment for warts was approved by the FDA in late 2018. The procedure was developed in Scotland and has been used in the United Kingdom for several years. I have been using the Swift treatment for warts for several months. What is Swift and how does it work? Swift microwave is designed to promote your local immune response and allow your body to heal itself. Swift treatment results in a degree of localized tissue stress promoting a healing response, recruiting antibodies and stimulating a heat shock production. Swift treatment of warts has shown positive results for my patients. I have seen as many as twenty-three warts resolve as a result of the Swift treatment. No medication, no bandages and non-invasive. You can find out more on the Plantar Wart Therapy page on my website.