1. Protect against puncture wounds.
What lies hidden in the grass, dirt or sand can wreak havoc on bare feet. Nails, shards of glass, discarded toothpicks, slivers of wood, pieces of seashell at the beach or thorns from trees and plants can puncture the skin of the foot and cause serious injury. Even after the object is completely removed from the foot, any dirt or bacteria pushed into the puncture wound can lead to an infection, painful scarring or even a cyst. Any puncture wounds should be promptly treated in my office within 24 hours.
2. Be cautious around bicycles and lawnmowers.
Besides the hidden dangers, “everyday kid injuries” can also interrupt a summer break. Protect your children’s feet and ankles from traumatic injuries caused by bicycles and lawnmowers by making certain they wear sturdy shoes while riding a bike or cutting the grass. I recently had to take a teenager to emergency surgery because he slipped and ran over his foot with a lawnmower.
3. Apply sunscreen to the tops and bottoms of their feet.
Feet, like shoulders, burn faster than the rest of the body since they are more perpendicular to the sun’s harmful rays. Not only is sunburn of the feet painful, it can also cause skin cancers that often go unnoticed until it becomes serious. I recently diagnosed skin cancer on the bottom of a patient’s foot.