With the COVID-19 pandemic facing the globe, we’re being forced to face a new reality of social distancing and isolation. While many people are stuck inside their homes and normal activities have been halted for the foreseeable future, there is one thing that shouldn’t stop-- being active. Of course, the idea of staying active with the constraints of social distancing limits a lot of options, there are ways to keep your feet and ankles strong and fit while at home.
1. Get Creative! Look around your house and discover how you can work out while at home. There are plenty of ways to work out without a gym or equipment. Do sit ups, pushups, planks, squats and leg lifts.
2. Stay connected to family and friends. Help to keep yourself accountable by including friends in the mix and check in with everyone to make sure they’re staying safe and active, too.
3. Check online resources. There are numerous free resources available online to follow along with fitness videos or other classes. YouTube alone has numerous exercise videos and workout options for you to take advantage of from the safety of your home.
4. E-Workouts could be an option. Check with your local fitness studios on what they’re offering. Many instructors are offering virtual classes as an alternative to in-person classes.
5. Get outside! You can still get outside and go for walks without putting yourself or others at risk. Go for a walk, run, walk the dog or go for a hike. You can get fresh air and activity while still practicing social distancing. Even if you feel better staying inside, take scheduled breaks each day to get up and walk around your home.
6. Play with your kids! With children out of school, this is a great time to have family fun. Play dress up, build a fort, have a dance party or draw together.
No matter what you do, even if it’s something small each day, staying active will help to not only keep your feet and ankles strong, it will help bring variety to your time stuck at home.
Regenerative Medicine is using medical procedures that promote self-healing. Swift treatment for warts was approved by the FDA in late 2018. The procedure was developed in Scotland and has been used in the United Kingdom for several years. I have been using the Swift treatment for warts for several months. What is Swift and how does it work? Swift microwave is designed to promote your local immune response and allow your body to heal itself. Swift treatment results in a degree of localized tissue stress promoting a healing response, recruiting antibodies and stimulating a heat shock production. Swift treatment of warts has shown positive results for my patients. I have seen as many as twenty-three warts resolve as a result of the Swift treatment. No medication, no bandages and non-invasive. You can find out more on the Plantar Wart Therapy page on my website.