With the festive season of the year here, be aware that sudden changes in your diet can trigger painful gout attacks, especially in your feet.
Gout attacks are caused by the accumulation and crystallization of uric acid in joint tissues. Because the big toe joint is the coolest part of the body and uric acid is sensitive to temperature change, the big toe is most often affected by this painful condition.
Foods high in purines contribute to uric acid build-up and I recommend patients who are prone to gout attacks avoid purine-rich items such as shellfish (shrimp, crab, etc.), organ meats (kidney, liver, etc.), red meat, red wine and beer.
Gout can be treated with medications, diet changes, increasing consumption of appropriate fluids and elevating and immobilizing the foot. If you are suffering from pain in your feet or big toe this holiday season, call my office and make an appointment to have an exam.