You’re vigilant about checking your face, scalp, limbs and torso for suspicious moles, but do you also check your feet? Skin cancer is on the rise in the U.S. and right here in Cincinnati, Ohio, with one of the most serious forms of skin cancer- melanoma- ranking as the most common foot malignancy. Melanomas on the feet are often misdiagnosed and more dangerous because they go undetected and untreated longer than those in easier-to-spot locations. Most people know that podiatrists save limbs but I have also saved a few lives.

Melanomas can occur anywhere on the foot, including under the toenail. They most often appear as pigmented lesions. Similar to other skin cancers, excessive unprotected sun exposure, a family history of skin cancer, numerous moles on the body and having fair skin, blue eyes or red hair can put you at greater risk. Even people normally at low risk for skin cancer can develop melanomas on their feet.

If you notice any pigmented or unusual lesion on your foot, under a toenail or on the bottom of your feet, make an appointment immediately with my office. To be safe, moles or lesions on the feet that change color and shape should be removed and biopsied. Left untreated, melanomas can have serious consequences.

The ABCDs of Melanoma Detection

A.Asymmetry. The shape of one half doesn’t match the other half.

B.Border. The edges are often ragged, notched, blurred or irregular, and the pigment may spread to the surrounding area.

C.Color. The color is uneven or varies from one area to another. Shades of black, brown and tan may be present. Areas of white, red, pink, gray or blue may be seen.

D.Diameter. Melanomas are usually larger than the eraser of a pencil (6mm)

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