As the days become cooler, many are lacing up their hiking boots and heading to the trails to take in the brilliant fall foliage in Ohio and Northern Kentucky. However, outdoor enthusiasts aren’t always aware of the beating their feet can take with constant and vigorous hiking on uneven terrain. Walking up and down steep hills and on slippery surfaces can put stress on the muscles and tendons of the feet and ankles.
The good news is that with a little preparation, you can avoid problems, such as heel pain, ankle sprains and Achilles tendon injuries when taking your autumn hikes.
Wear the Right Shoes
·Cross-training athletic shoes do not offer the support needed for hiking on uneven, steep and slippery terrain. Investing in strong, stiff-soled, well insulated and moisture-proof hiking boots will lessen the stress on muscles and tendons and will reduce the risk of injury. I always wear hiking boots whenever I hit the trails. Trekking poles can also provide stability and provide a bit of an upper body workout during your hikes. I also use trekking poles every time I hike the trails. Roads, Rivers and Trails on Main Street in downtown Milford offer top quality hiking boots and trekking poles along with other hiking equipment.
Easy Does It
·Hiking is like skiing; beginners should take on less difficult trails until they become better conditioned and more confident. Lax physical conditioning is a primary cause of foot and ankle injuries. In addition to stretching exercises and strengthening of foot and leg muscles, balance exercise will help you improve your ability to traverse challenging terrain. Do not attempt more than your body is ready for; ease into your hiking routine before planning a long, serious trip. The Appalachian Trail requires weeks of training.
Listen to Your Body
·If you start hurting, take a break. Pain is your body’s warning sign something is wrong. Serious injury escalates if you continue to hike in pain. And if foot or ankle pain continues even after you have rested, schedule a visit to my office as soon as possible. Ankle and Achilles tendon injuries, especially need to be properly evaluated and treated as early as possible. If left untreated, they can lead to serious problems that can keep you off the trails for a long time.