Start new workouts gradually. Increase your stamina and the length of your workouts slowly to avoid overuse injuries such as stress fractures or tendon strains and sprains. Stretching your muscles before and after workouts also help prevent these types of injuries.
Wear the proper shoes and socks. Wear well-fitting athletic shoes designed for the exercise or sport. Shoes that do not support the arch of the foot and provide cushioning for the heel can cause heel pain (plantar fasciitis). Shoes that are too small can cause neuroma (thickening/inflammation of the nerve) or toenail injuries. These may require injections, medication or physical therapy. Wearing wicking-type socks can also help prevent painful blisters, which can become infected and can cause more serious issues.
Use good technique. Improper exercise techniques can result in injury to the tendons or ligaments in your feet and ankles. Incorrect posture or misuse of exercise equipment can cause decreased stabilization in the foot and ankle, leading to joint sprains and muscle strains.
Protect yourself from bacteria. Sweaty shoes, public showers, exercise equipment and the pool deck at the gym are breeding grounds for fungus, viruses and bacteria. Never go barefoot while in public areas. Wear water shoes to protect your feet from wet surfaces and cover any cracks or cuts in your skin, as well as ingrown nails, since minor tears in the skin’s surface can act as entry points for bacteria.
If your feet or ankles hurt while exercising or if you suffer a foot or ankle injury, call my office immediately to schedule an evaluation.