The New Year is a time of renewed motivation and new beginnings, and a lot of resolutions start at the gym. Know what you can do to ring in the New Year while keeping your feet safe.
Choosing Shoes
Well fitting shoes are a must for any sport or exercise. If shoes don’t properly support the foot’s arch or provide proper heel cushion, they can cause heel pain or plantar fasciitis. Shoes that don’t fit can cause neuroma (nerve thickening/inflammation) or toenail injuries requiring injections, medication or physical therapy. Moisture-wicking socks can help prevent blisters which can lead to more serious issues if they become infected.
Start Slow
Increasing stamina and the duration of your workout gradually can reduce the risk of overuse injuries including stress fractures or tendon sprain or strain. Stretching muscles before and after your workout will help to warm up and cool down muscles, further preventing injury.
Proper Technique
Improper exercise technique can lead to ligament or tendon injury in feet and ankles. Incorrect posture or misuse of exercise equipment can destabilize the foot and ankle and lead to joint or muscle strains.
Be Aware of Bacteria
Gyms are a place to work out seasonal stress and with that comes sweaty shoes, public showers, exercise equipment and pool decks—all of which create a perfect recipe for hidden bacteria. To avoid any additional germs, never go barefoot in public areas. Wear water shoes in areas with wet surfaces and cover any cuts, cracks or ingrown toenails as tears in the skin’s surface can be an entry point for bacteria.
If your feet or ankles hurt during exercise or if you suffer a foot or ankle injury, make an appointment with my office as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Regenerative Medicine is using medical procedures that promote self-healing. Swift treatment for warts was approved by the FDA in late 2018. The procedure was developed in Scotland and has been used in the United Kingdom for several years. I have been using the Swift treatment for warts for several months. What is Swift and how does it work? Swift microwave is designed to promote your local immune response and allow your body to heal itself. Swift treatment results in a degree of localized tissue stress promoting a healing response, recruiting antibodies and stimulating a heat shock production. Swift treatment of warts has shown positive results for my patients. I have seen as many as twenty-three warts resolve as a result of the Swift treatment. No medication, no bandages and non-invasive. You can find out more on the Plantar Wart Therapy page on my website.