Take these precautions when mowing your lawn this summer to keep your feet and those around you safe:
-Never mow wet grass. Losing control from slipping on rain-soaked grass is the leading cause of foot injuries caused by power mowers.
-Wear heavy shoes or work boots when mowing--no sneakers, sandals or bare feet.
-Keep children away while mowing and never let them ride on a lawn tractor. Children can be severely injured by blades as they get on or off the machine.
-Mow slowly across slopes and never go up or down.
-Never pull a mower backward.
-Use a mower with a release mechanism on the handle that automatically shuts off the mower once your hands let go of the handle.
If you suffer a lawnmower injury, seek emergency care immediately.
My office will work in an emergency trauma to the foot or ankle during regular business hours. Recently, a Cincinnati area pediatrician called my office about a teenager who had run over his foot with a lawnmower. He was lucky. I took him to emergency surgery and saved his toe from being amputated.